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Film Review: Selma

Detailing events leading up to the march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, by African Americans in their struggle for equal voting rights in US Southern States in 1965, lead by Martin Luther King. David Oyelowo is worthy of an Oscar nomination (but he mysteriously missed out), for his terrific take as the charismatic but flawed civil rights activist, and he renders the rhythm and cadence of Martin Luther King’s captivating speeches. Employing precision and restraint, 'Selma' feels at times like a fly-on-the-wall documentary; building up the tension while the story unfolds. A well-made history film, with an ongoing relevance due to events in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014.

The Hard Problem at the National Theatre

Stoppard loves a good debate and now he has taken on “the hard problem,”  which is—what is consciousness?  (What does it do and do we need it?)  Through the central character of a woman psychology student  he poses these questions and some of the  counter-questions.  But alas, not surprisingly, he doesn’t answer them.  Instead the piece drifts into the more familiar territory of ethics, religion…